Sunday, August 30, 2015

Narative Text : The Power Of The Prayer

The Power Of the Prayer

            One day, there is a herdsman want to shepherd his sheep. While in way, he so confused because there are two ways. Suddenly, come a handsome man and he say

“Turn left, there are a spring, the field of the good grass, and there are many trees you can take a rest while shepred your sheep.”

Hearing what the handsome man said, the herdsman turn left. After arriving there, suddenly the handsome man become a bad man and he say

“Hahahaha... you are so easy to gullible, I just want to kill you and take all your sheep.”

The herdsman suprise with the handsome man saying and he say

“Fine, if you want to kill me, before you kill me I want to read holy Al-Qur’an.”

The herdsman read holy Al-Qur’an and when he say “Sadaqollahuladzim.” He so suprise see pieces of the body. When he see around him there are million soldier, it’s reality is the angel want to protect him from the bad man. In reality when he read one word of hijaiyah he will protect by seven angels. And the herdsman life compertablely.

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